Pinochle deck of cards
Pinochle deck of cards

pinochle deck of cards

When a contract is met, both sides keep all their points. Your opponents receive the points from their melds, a 250-point bonus, and the points from the cards they took in tricks.

pinochle deck of cards

If, however, you decide to play and your opponents set your contract, you receive no points for your melds and the cards won during play.


If you don't play, you cannot score your melds and your opponents score the value of their melds plus a 250-point bonus. As the declarer, you do not need the consensus of your partner to play or not to play. If, however, your combined meld points are 100 points or less, it would be impossible to make your contract because only 250 points are available in play. Since you have a good chance of making your contract (even if your partner has no meld points, you only need 150 points in your winning tricks), you decide to play the hand. You return the A, K, Q, 10 to your partner. You declare spades trump, and your partner passes you the Q, 10, K, Q. Scoring the meld: Let's say you win the bid at 360 with a hand of K-Q-J-Q-J-10-A-A-10-K-K-J. Melding: After this exchange between declarer and partner, all players lay their melds on the table, which are scored for each side. The return can include none, some, or all of the cards first passed. The declarer examines the cards and then passes four cards to partner. Passing: After the declarer names the trump suit, he or she receives four cards from partner.

Pinochle deck of cards